How to Convert PNG, JPG to WebP

Through this article, we will discuss the advantages of converting PNG, JPG to WebP as well as the ways to convert PNG, JPG to WebP. There are many image formats used in the computing field for various different purposes. Some such formats include PNG, JPG, Bitmap, GIF etc. The latest format that is included in this collection is the WebP format.

There are two WebP image formats as the lossless and lossy image formats which diminish the original image size of a JPG or PNG photo by a considerable amount. 

  1. Lossless pictures are 26% smaller than the original image format while it retains the same quality as the original image.
  2. Lossy pictures are 24-34% smaller in size than its original image, JPEG. It also retains the same quality. In usual Lossy compression algorithms, the conversion is irreversible, but the WebP developed have modified it. Therefore, even the lossy web P images are reversible to its original formats.

WebP Support by Applications

WebP is not an original format of images, it is designed from other image types. Therefore, the support given by the applications are still very questionable.

Only two main web browsers provide support to the WebP image format. One is the Google Chrome Web Browser and the other is the Opera Web Browser. 

Safari Web Browser and Mozilla Firefox Web Browser developers are said to be considering extending their support to WebP images as well.

Due to this confusion in the support given by the web browsers, the Web developers often feel the confusion whether or not to speed up their WebP page using web images. 

But if we consider the Browser traffic, aside from the traffic caused by the Safari and other web browsers taken altogether, Google Chrome and Opera causes the largest amount of web Traffic. Therefore, using WebP images would not lose much percentage of the customers. 

PNG, JPG to WebP

Conversion of common image formats such as PNG, JPG to WebP image format is important when you want to upload an image to your Blog or the web page in WebP format.

There are many different kinds of tools that allow you to do it. These are known in common as the WebP Converters.

There are two main types of WebP converters as the Online WebP converters and Downloadable WebP converters. 

Google developers, who developed the WebP format have provided a set of tools including the source code for the WebP conversion. This setup is the Google WebP converter. It is downloadable and contains WebP encoders, WebP decoders and webP2gif tools to convert images to and from WebP image format. This tools kit allows converting PNG, JPG to WebP and the other way around as well.

There are popular online tools as well for the PNG, JPG to WebP conversions. These are free and very effective tools. These tools are more suitable for simple tasks like when you need to edit an image in WebP format in Photoshop or to open an image in the Windows Photo Viewer.

For developer requirements, Google toolkit is more adequate. 


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